Youth Together for Refugees

June 03, 2020

“Youth Together for Refugees” is a program funded by the ERASMUS + program and designed by a consortium of partners actively involved in the reception, training and defense of asylum seekers and their refugees, especially the very young.

In Europe, new refugee care services are generally strong thanks to the large number of youth workers and volunteers who devote their time and energy, usually on a voluntary basis, improving the level of completion and prosperity of the goal of the organization with which they work.

However, young volunteers usually do not have the right training and tools for working with vulnerable people such as young refugees and often operate in environments where budget and structures are at a low level. We define these places as “environments” high pressure “.

This project was born from observing the working and living conditions of the youth and young refugees in the reception, housing and leisure centers.

We believe that youth workers are crucial factors in promoting socialization and integration in order to help develop interdisciplinary skills for the future lives of refugees as European citizens. Thanks to their age, energy and enthusiasm, they are often able to build relationships of trust and become outstanding role models for young refugees. Employees for the youth we have met throughout our practice often point to the lack of adequate time and budget and the need for training that focuses on both the employee and the target group. With this tool, our goal is to meet these needs, as we believe that bridging these gaps is not only possible but also the right thing to do.

This toolbox is a collection of best practices from 4 European countries, Italy, Greece, Spain and the United Kingdom, to get the right tools to deal with daily work, promoting multidisciplinary approaches and empowerment for positive social change, the European values ​​of democracy and active participation in the public.


Whom it Concerns

This toolbox is dedicated to all youth, volunteer and immigration workers, and especially to those working with young refugees and asylum seekers in leisure and leisure facilities, including recreation and education. We want to address the most important issues we need to know about the needs of the people we work with. This toolbox also represents valuable support for all employees involved in these activities, such as social workers, coordinators and their managers.