Training Course Experience: 3O Orientation, Optimization and Organization or Social media networks as tools in youth work(By Sophia Trypa)

September 07, 2021

Training Course Experience:

3O: Orientation, Optimization and Organization or Social media networks as tools in youth work

Poland, 1-10 August 2021

(By Sophia Trypa)


It started as an interesting title and was implemented as an even more interesting program.

The issue with the spread of fake news and fallacies through the media and social media is extremely topical. Through the program we were given the opportunity to see how they are spread and how one can distinguish them in something they are reading.



And all this in a beautiful and clean environment, with impeccable hospitality, with the help of trained people and the use of appropriate supervisory tools.



We also had the opportunity to visit the sights of the area, either accompanied by the organizers or alone, but having all their help and support.



Finally, the participants from the other countries were open and friendly, so the cooperation with them was ideal.

Thank you very much for the opportunity to live this beautiful experience.



By: Sophia Trypa