“3O: Orientation, Optimization and Organisation or Social media networks as tools in youth work” KA1 Erasmus+ project (2020-1-PL01-KA105-078205) is created by CREATOR NGO for youth workers who seek to learn how to use social media networks in youth work with the aim to incorporate new skills into their work with young people. This project involves eight organisations from EU Programme countries: Poland, Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania and the Netherlands. The project includes a preparatory stage, training course, dissemination and follow-up activities. The training course is planned to be implemented in Rzeszow, Poland, on August 1-10, 2021.
We would like to carry out this project because it will help to go deeper in 3O:
* orientation in social media networks;
* optimization of information;
* organisation daily youth work.
The objectives of the project are:
• to explore social media networks and their role in youth work;
• to instill skills to use social media networks as tools in youth work;
• to develop competences in creating new social media networks;
• to discuss involvement in social media networks youth with fewer opportunities;
• to support non-formal education and cooperation in the field of youth in EU Programme countries.
In line with the objectives of the Erasmus+ Programme this project will instills youth workers with capacities to operate
efficiently in social media networks and to use them in the youth work. By this project will support needs of youth organisations in better access to existing and new social media networks, make accessible to information and different activities for young people and particularly to youth with fewer opportunities – minorities, people with limited formal education and people at risk of being socially marginalized.
The methodology of the training course is based on the best practices of non-formal education. Participants will work
individually, in peers, in small groups and all together. The main focus will be placed on fostering active participation, learning by doing, mutual learning, discussing and sharing of experience and good practices.
Follow us on the project Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/3O-project-108321717633554