- Program : Erasmus+, Training course
- Action : Key Action 1, Mobility of Youth workers
- Duration : 9 months
The program Community Awareness Raising and Social Inclusion Through the Forum Theater, CAST aims to explore and show that social and theater forums can be used by youth organizations and youth counselors as a tool for building the sense of self-confidence and promoting solidarity and social integration and give young people the opportunity to encourage young people to become more active and to demand more vigorously the development of youth, their place in society and the labor market. Young people are the basis and the most important wealth and capital for the future of every society. As the founder of “forum theater” Augusto Boal said, “build their own futures instead of waiting for it to come.” The C.A.S.T. it is targeted at youth counselors and youth organizations.
The program is a mobility action with the implementation of an educator Seminar under the Key Action 1 Mobility of Individuals who are active in the Erasmus + Youth Program and has been funded by I.N.E.DI.VI.M. To implement the program the co-ordinator is KANE. – Social Development of Youth and organizations from Europe, in particular from: Italy – YouNet, France – CRL10, Croatia – Europski Dom Slavonski Brod, on Lithuania – Baltijas Regionalais fonds, Romania Asociatia Culturala For Theater And Origami From Romania-A.C.T.O.R., Spain – Centro Xuvenil Abertal, Germany – Loesje e.V., Bulgaria – Green Association, Cyprus – KANE Cyprus and the Netherlands – Rock solid foundation.
The main objectives of the C.A.S.T. They are :
– Introduce and familiarize the participants with the technique of Forum theatre and explore how this can be used for empowerment of young people
– Map the challenges faced by young people and organize them socio-educational activities for young people with youth use of non-formal learning tools
– Promote the exchange of good practices and know-how between them participants and collaborators
– Train participants to adopt the methods of the forum theatre into the peculiarities and needs of their own target group in order to can have the best possible result
– Develop skills in implementing activities for young people with fewer opportunities and the integration of young people (migrants, long-term unemployed, they face psychological and social problems, difficulties in education, u)
– Share the knowledge about the ERASMUS + program and create one network for the implementation of joint follow-up projects and other youth projects in the near future.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
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