Formal education meets Non-Formal Learning: ERASMUS+ Training for professionals in Adult Education

January 25, 2018
  • We invite you to a one week training course in Kalamata, Greece, titled:


    The training course will take place in Kalamata, Peloponnese region in the south of Greece, in five separate rounds:

    1st Round: 31 March – 7 April 2019

    2nd Round: 4 May – 11 May 2019

    3rd Round: 2 June – 9 June 2019

    4th Round: 21 September – 28 September 2019

    5th Round: 19 October – 26 October 2019

    In the application please choose the week of your preference.
    This course is addressed to teachers, trainers, educators and all educational staff.

    Which are the challenges a trainer, teacher, educator faces today? How can you motivate the learners? Can the combination of formal and non-formal education involve the learners into the lifelong learning process? Competence based approach, self-assessment and learning portfolios; how can you use them for your group of learners?

    This training course aims to offer clear learning results in terms of using non-formal learning methodology and easy-to-use tools at the field of the competence based approach.

    Main objectives:
    – To train teachers, educators, youth workers and trainers on the competence-based approach.
    – To share non-formal learning methodology tools and experiences.
    – To increase awareness in the use of the 8 key competences and self-assessment.
    – To offer the opportunity to the participants to create their own tools and learn how they can adjust the already existing tools in their daily work.
    – To increase their ability in managing non-formal learning workshops and sessions.
    – To acquire competences in motivating their trainees/learners/students, actively involve them in the learning process and develop the appropriate evaluation methodology.

    Condition for participation: to have an Erasmus+ KA1 grant or self-fund


    From the grant received organizers will cover:

    100% costs of food, accommodation and the course fee;

    Training course’s cost 420,00€ for 6 working days (including coffee breaks, conference fees and printed material);

    Accommodation and food costs:
    Hotel room 700 ,00€ per person for 7 days with breakfast and meals per day

    Take the chance to advance your skills as an educator, teacher and trainer.
    Send us an email at for any questions
    and apply by filling in the following form

    For large groups we make special offers.

    At the end of the training course, you will receive a certificate of attendance including description of training content and time input.

    Please note that the working language is English.