The international youth exchange entitled “Green Art”, organized in Kalamata by the youth organization K.A.NE. Social Youth Development in the framework of the ERASMUS+ programme, was successfully completed last Monday, 16/01. In the youth exchange participated 35 young people and 7 youth leaders from Greece, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Poland, and the Czech

For 8 days, the young participants worked together, analyzed the challenges the environment is facing and ways to protect it, and organized actions to raise public awareness of the importance of environmental protection, both in the Central Square of our city, and on the beach.

Specifically, in the central square, the young participants talked to the public and signed an agreement with them to keep our city clean, while on the beach the young people collected garbage and informed the public about the dangers of using plastics and especially the impact of plastic pollution on the environment and on ourselves.
At the same time, the participants had the opportunity to get to know the city of Kalamata, its beauties and its inhabitants and to visit local businesses.

The participants left Kalamata, having collected new experiences and with the promise to come back to Kalamata one day, bringing their families and friends with them.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.