We are looking for volunteers from Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic & France for the 2months project Medianeras.
The project Medianeras is a short-term volunteering project, through which 16 volunteers from 4 countries will be hosted in Kalamata during 8 months.
The project will have 4 rounds of 2 months and in each round will be 4 volunteers ( 1 from each country )
The second round dates are:
9 October – 9 December 2020
More information about the project and the tasks, you can find in the Medianeras info pack https://ngokane.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/MEDIANERAS-SHORT-ESC.pdf
If you wish to apply for this project and join our team, please feel in the application form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1MoT362zwcMk1ITSDPbsvAutzynkYMdhLhEjJh7ju9ns/viewform?edit_requested=true
Deadline 18/09/2020