The RIDE- Rivers of IDEas project derives from the observation that often few young people have the chance to participate in decisions that affect their lives and the lives of their communities. Their potential contribution to society is often overlooked, underestimating their role as agents of positive change. In particular, the RIde project will focus on the environmental crisis, we consider a complex global issue to deal with. The main objective of the RIDE project is to empower young members of the river communities through the development of strategic skills. In particular, the aim is to increase their environmental awareness, especially about the critical issues and potential that the river represents for each territory. The project intends to work in the main direction of promoting the active citizenship of young people, supporting the sense of belonging to the community and the awareness of their choices on environmental sustainability. Young people will be configured as the main target, but also as promoters to involve the whole community.
The objectives of the project are as follows: a) To promote knowledge and dissemination of the best practices at the local and European level for the enhancement of rivers and local communities; b) to increase the competence of young people to plan environmentally sustainable river recovery actions able to involve and activate the whole community; c) to open a profitable channel of communication between young people and institutions. Firstly, a phase of research and exchange of good practices will be activated among all partner countries to compare the interventions already carried out and the representation of the community-river relationship: already in this first phase, the active involvement of young people will be foreseen. In continuity with what emerged from the research, preferring an experiential methodology, workshops, training, and seminars will be created with young people to recover the history and acquire skills to exercise active citizenship. In addition, a series of meetings with local stakeholders (citizens, and institutions) through non-formal and participatory methods will be planned. Also, a campaign for the collection of ideas to plan future scenarios for the strengthening of the river territory will be launched. The ideas collected will be presented during a festival, created for each river of the communities involved, during which will be chosen the best and most sustainable idea to implement. Through active involvement, it will be possible to strengthen the communities in the discovery of their resources and in the awareness of how it is possible to use them profitably, by rethinking their relationships with the territory.
The project is financed by the Erasmus+ program.
Project no.: 2021-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000029198
Ribell Arci | Italy
Drustvo Bodi svetloba | Slovenia
KANE – Social Youth | Greece
Linc Societa | Italy
Wildfluss-Akademie | Germany
Aspea – Associação Portuguesa de Educação Ambiental | Portugal
Duration: 01/11/2021-01/11/2023
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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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