Stories by Participants from the Youth Exchange: Citizens of
Europe, Citizens of the EU
(29/09/2022-05/10/2022) Struga, North Macedonia
The topics of our youth exchange were European identity, citizenship and European values. Human rights and rule and laws. Also we included inclusion of marginalised young people. With this project, we intend to fight xenophobia and exclusion on the
territory of Europe, and beyond. We fostered dialogue and understanding among the different groups of people who live here. Increase tolerance and intercultural dialogue. The main objective was to initiate an intercultural dialogue that will promote European awareness among us and give us a sense of European identity.
territory of Europe, and beyond. We fostered dialogue and understanding among the different groups of people who live here. Increase tolerance and intercultural dialogue. The main objective was to initiate an intercultural dialogue that will promote European awareness among us and give us a sense of European identity.

The partners of this youth exchange were:
- Social youth development civil nonprofit society (K.A.NE) – Greece
- Irig Moj Grad – Serbia
- Backlash – Spain
- Limitless Voice of Youth – Italy
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