From the 22nd of August until the 1st of September, 7 young people from Greece had the chance to participate in the “F.O.C.U.S.” (Find your competences and use them smart) youth exchange that took place in Râmnicu Sărat, Romania.
The youth exchange was hosted and organized by Centrul Cultural Florica Cristoforeanu.
The idea of the project was taking into account the need to remove the youngsters from harmful environments in nowadays society (internet, online games, abuse of alcohol or other substances) and to engage them in attractive, motivating and interesting leisure activities. The youth exchange was aiming to offer the tools for the youngsters to propose, analyze and centralize methods for leisure and later on, to develop a methodology, a manual and a pilot that can be practically applied as instruments of cohesion, community involvement and intercultural dialogue.
“This Youth exchange in Romania it was a life time experience for me because gave me the opportunity to get to know myself better, to gain new prospective on life, learn more toward non-formal education, also gave me the chance to meet new friends form around the world, to learn more about other cultures, to gain new competencies and to travel in Romania.”
The partner countries of the project were: Romania, Greece, Bulgaria, FYROM, Turkey, Italy, Spain.