Be Part of the Action: Let's Act Together!

January 27, 2018

Be Part of the Action: Let’s Act Together was a short-term group European Voluntary Service project that involved 15 young volunteers and 9 organisations, 1 hosting and coordinating organisation (from Greece) and 8 sending organisations (from Italy, Estonia, Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, UK and Latvia). The activity took place in Kalamata, Greece and lasted 21 days (3 weeks from the 17th of July to the 06th of August 2017.

The volunteers supported the implementation of the 10th Kalamata Street Festival and, through cultural, educational, promotion and organisational activities, the project managed to give the young volunteers a comprehensive learning experience, that had a great impact on them, helping them to develop both personally, as well as professionally. It was a social and cultural project, that presented to the community and to the young volunteers that participated in it, different ways on how they can use their creativity and imagination and be more open to new, innovative things.

The activities of this project were structured in a way as to facilitate the learning outcomes and the skills development of the volunteers. The methods used were based on non-formal learning and skills exchange (peer to peer, learning by doing, different workshops, experiential learning, etc). The participants were able to suggest and implement their own activities, using elements from their own cultures and backgrounds, thus promoting the importance of cultural diversity in Europe and developing their organisational and project management skills.

You can find pictures from this project here: Photo Album

For more information about the Kalamata Street Festival, follow this link:

Moments from the 10th Kalamata Street Festival:

This project was funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.