European Digital Youth Summit 2020 (2nd Update)

October 01, 2020



K.A.NE. (Social Youth Development) joins the global initiative We, the Internet as an international partner of GEYC – Group of the European Youth for Change, project coordinator in Romania.

In preparation for the European Digital Youth Summit 2020…

We are pleased to announce that in order to give the chance to as many people as possible to apply for the European Digital Youth Summit – EDYS20, 8th of October 2020, a digital event under the patronage of the European Parliament, the registration will be possible until October 7th, 2020.  


How can you register?

Go to and fill in the registration form available on the page “Opening panel”. Participation is free.


Don’t forget to join the Facebook event and invite your friends to the biggest dialogue with the citizens about the future of the Internet! – Check out our website to see the speakers and agenda of the event!

EDYS is an event under the patronage of the European Parliament and is organized as part of the global We, the Internet initiative, coordinated by a coalition of partners such as the European Commission, Council of Europe, UNESCO, Public Missions, Internet Society, Wikimedia Foundation, World Wide Web Foundation, Forum World Economy, the Swiss and German governments and private sector actors such as Google and Facebook.


#WeTheInternet #EDYS20


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