Two workshops on Intercultural Learning were successfully implemented on Thursday 27th and Friday 28th of July 2017 at the Municipal Railway Park of Kalamata, in collaboration with the 10th Kalamata Street Festival.
The aim of the workshops was to familiarise the participants with intercultural learning and to introduce them to non-formal learning tools and methods that could be used to develop and promote it. The tools and methods that were used during the workshops were developed by the participants in the international seminar “Feel, Share, Act: Youth Empowerment through Intercultural Learning” that took place in January 2017 in Kalamata, Greece.
Through interactive activities, the participants had the opportunity to explore the aspects of intercultural learning, to familiarize themselves with non-formal education, as well as to make their own suggestions on ways to promote tolerance and respect to diversity.
This project is implemented in the framework of the programme ALF/CFP/2015/EDU-ART and co-financed with the support of the Anna Lindh Euro-Mediterranean Foundation for dialogue between cultures.