Stories by Participants in the Training Course: Green Skills for an Eco-friendly Youth Work (Giorgos Koutsioras)

December 20, 2021

Stories by Participants in the Training Course: Green Skills for an Eco-friendly Youth Work

Sofia, Bulgaria (31 October – 6 November 2021)


The training course took place in the beautiful capital of Bulgaria – Sofia, whereas we had the chance to emerge with the locals and dive into this slavic culture and landmarks.

The topic of the project was encouraging sustainability, green skills and ecology.

We were taught by professionals what is the essence and how to tackle easily: reducing waste, recycling and upcycling strategies and crafty ideas, strategic planning in a circular economy, how to create a bussines plan and present, deliver and execute awesome ideas, using the non-formal education methods and instruments.



As the days were passing by we had the chance to get to know each other better, exchanging our perspectives and mindsets and building up an amazing group, that was followed up by a great flow and dynamics, delivering final products, we never thought we would ever think of, brainstorm on and even present.













It was generally an amazing opportunity for me, and for all of us to come to this initiative, to exchange our cultures and beliefs and lastly yet importantly to gain, develop and improve our understanding on the topic of the project – summed up to living a *green* life.


We had the chance to visit as well local businesses promoting packaging-free and bio products and so on.


In addition we visited some art installations made of recycled plastic caps… the benefits for us as youth workers were indeed endless.


– Giorgos Koutsioras