New Youth, New Homeland

November 10, 2021

New Youth New Homeland



The integration process of young refugees needs to be supported with life skills such as strategic thinking, goal setting, problem-solving, leadership, entrepreneurship, and effective communication and networking. The new generation of young refugees must be competent at being part of a team and consequently knowing an effective team culture and taking initiative in an efficient relationship. The main objective of this project is to create voluntary based, collective organizations where the young refugees have the opportunity to take in part in learning, training, teaching activities, creating an e-learning platform, e-guidebook, and research that will serve as a tool to ease their integration process into the new community. This project aims to target young refugees to involve them in a program focusing on building leadership, entrepreneurship, and career development skill trainings.

Our learning, teaching, and training activities will create leaders and entrepreneurs of young refugees by promoting them with leadership and career skills. 30 young refugees will develop new skills that ease their integration process and help them to become a valuable asset in the job market. They become an example for other young refugees and inspire them to show their full potential. Two Training Activities targeting different skills in accordance with the themes of them will be organized. The first training will focus on leadership skills, while the second one will be on entrepreneurship skills and career development skills.

The project also aims to yield 3 intellectual outputs: Academic Research, e-Guidebook for Young Refugees and an E-Learning Platform. The creation of an E-Learning Platform for the young refugees will ensure continuous support and communication among them and will be a venue for future the young refugees to benefit from. We believe that this project would generate more competent young refugees who could be more effective and efficient in their future professional lives in a world, which gets more interdependent every day.

Project no.: 2020-3-TR01-KA205-097138


  • Gençlik Araştırmaları Association (Turkey)
  • Metamo Education Center (Belgium)
  • Ravdanur Cuma Association (Turkey)
  • Social Youth Development, Κ.Α.ΝΕ. (Greece)
  • United Civilians Associaton (Turkey)
  • Muğla Sıtkı Koçman Üniversitesi (Turkey)


Duration: 01/03/2021 – 28/02/2023

Website: TBA

Social Media Channels: TBA